Nine Tiles Panic


Think Faster! Race to create your town to the best of y…


Think Faster!

Race to create your town to the best of your ability as the conditions keep changing. Just completing the town is easy enough, but quickly satisfying all the conditions is enough to make your brain go crazy. From kids to adults, Nine Tiles Panic is a speedy and exciting puzzle game for everyone!

確認目標,快速將手頭上雙面不同9張拼圖轉換,組合成最高分嘅拼圖,但小心只要睇漏眼拼錯左除時最快完成但一分都拎唔到! 腎上線索急升中

遊戲人數: 2 – 5人

遊戲時長: 20 分鐘

建議年齡: 7+