

Believe in your future! There are six companies that wi…

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Believe in your future!

There are six companies that will change the world as we know it! You can be part of their success and be a investor. Try to become rich by making the right decisions! Only the one biggest investor can get money out of each company. You must try to read the next steps of your rivals and use your capital and your three hidden cards to win against them and become the biggest shareholder! You have to be lucky in this game but you must also think about your moves and analyze your rivals! You can play this card game with only a few players but also with many!

成為股票基金嘅投資大鱷,向6間初創公司埋手吧! 你嘅目標就係要吸納當中企業嘅股票,但係千祈唔好獨攬,大鱷顧名思義就係要放長線釣大角,引到其他細股東入手,再一次以最大權將企業私有化先係令到對方血本無歸嘅方法。

小心! 你進行市場搶奪時,你亦成為其他人嘅目標,一場心理博奕同手牌控制嘅大戰!

遊戲人數: 3 – 7 人 (Best Play: 4 – 6)

遊戲時長: 20 – 30 分鐘