YMC Boardgame
Deep Sea Adventure Boost
Deep Sea Adventure Boost
可提供 YMC Boardgame 的取貨服務
通常會在 24 小時內準備就緒
Deep Sea Adventure最新加強版!
Risky treasure hunting in the depths of the sea...
In this powered-up Deep Sea Adventure, players roll 3 dice, boost and move their pieces deeper into the sea, trying to return safely with more treasure than anyone else. Greedy explorers are riding in a submarine together, searching for treasure in the deep sea. With their diving suits on, and brand new boost capability, the explorers eagerly begin their search for treasure. However, their beat-up submarine has only a single air tank for which they all must share. All it takes is one reckless explorer to endanger the lives of everyone else. Can the explorers make it back safely to the submarine with their lives and treasure intact?
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