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YMC Boardgame

Mindbug Set (Beyond Evolution & Beyond Eternity)

Mindbug Set (Beyond Evolution & Beyond Eternity)

定價 HK$250.00
定價 HK$320.00 售價 HK$250.00
特價 售罄

In this stand-alone expansion:

Mindbug: Beyond Eternity introduces the Boost ability where you can use cards from your graveyard to give your creatures a +1 boost in power. Also cards can have effects when in your graveyard, such as making them stronger.

Mindbug: Beyond Evolution introduces the Evolve effect to certain cards allowing to play through a 3 stage evolution line with changing creature abilities.

This expansion can be played on its own, or mixed with Mindbug: First Contact or Others.

In Mindbug, you summon hybrid creatures and send them to battle against your opponent. But be careful: your opponent may use one of their Mindbugs to take control of it.

Outwit your opponent in a fascinating tactical duel in which having the best cards and playing them at the wrong time can be deadly for yourself.

Mindbug combines the accessibility and fairness of a simple card game with the strategic depth of a complex Strategy Card Game. The result is a skill-based dueling card game that feels utterly different from all the other card games you have played before.

遊戲人數: 2

遊戲時長: 15 - 30 mins

二人桌遊 | 對戰 | 卡牌 | 心理戰 | 對抗 | 怪獸 | 



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