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YMC Boardgame

Moving Wild

Moving Wild

定價 HK$178.00
定價 售價 HK$178.00
特價 售罄

Nature all around

Developing a national park is no small feat. Some animals have begun their migration, going around and around in search of a new place to live. Hippos that love both water and land. Huge elephants. And bears that just want to be left alone. "Uhhhh," you can't help but growl as the cards go around. You want to secure the perfect spot, but should you choose a location or an animal first? Take one card at a time and pass the rest around in this "drafting" style game. Match just the right animals with just the right locations and create the most harmonious national park ever!

經營國家公園絕非易事,有些動物已經開始遷徙,四處尋找新的棲息地。河馬熱愛水又熱愛泥漿,左邊有隻身型巨大嘅大象,右邊又有隻想獨處的熊。 呀呀…隨著卡片嘅輪抽,你會好似野獸咁情不自禁地發出咆哮,因為想做到完美嘅公園並唔係一件易事。

遊戲人數: 2 - 6

遊戲時長: 45 mins

手牌輪選 | 動物園 | 肉食素食 | 棲息地 | 卡牌分數



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